Mr. S and I

Thursday, October 18, 2012

borrowed breaths

Job 7:7
Remember that my life is but a breath....

You breath 15 to 16 times in one minute. The Bible states that our entire lives are like one breath to God. ONE BREATH, Tonight's post is short and to the point and I hope that my children read it some day and that it inspires them and I pray it isnpires you too. I know that some of you reading this are hurting. You're depressed, you're defeated, you're tired of fighting, tired of trying to heal, tired of hearing people say things like " well at least you already have children." after you lost one that to some may not have really " counted". Tired of putting on a happy face at another baby shower where you aren't sitting in the chair opening gifts wrapped up in pink or blue. Tired of countng down the days until you "know". Tired of  tracking ovulation, tired of watching everyone and their sister get pregant on their first month trying. I know you're tired. I get it. I get tired too. The message tonight is not an easy one to deliver, but I needed to hear it and frankly, you do too. You're living on borrowed breaths my friends. The air in your lungs was a gift. You don't deserve it, it was an act of kindess from a loving God who saw fit to mold up mounds of dirt into human flesh and breath air into nostrils that otherwise would have laid dormant. What are you doing with what you have been given, which is quite generous? How are you ministering to others? How are you glorifying the Father in times of heartache? How are you investing in others lives, even when there is nothing to gain? How are you using your breath? Inhale and see how quickly the exhale ends. You can try to draw it out, force it to be a long release, but you and I both know, that it's mere seconds at best. You can spend your life convincing yourself that "if you just had this_______" you'd be fulfilled, you'd be complete... but if you don't recognize the one who filled your lungs with air, then you can't appreciate the breaths. Hold your breath. You won't do it for long. It's too scary. You panic, feel the slight burn that tells you that you need oxygen and you gulp in a breath. You have already been given the ultimate gift two fold. 1. Jesus and 2. Breath. Both undeserved, both necessary for life, here and in eternity. I want very much to hold my children, to make them laugh, to sing them to sleep, to watch Kindal throw them high in the air and then see them throw up all over him because I told him not to toss them around like that right after we ate dinner... oh did I type out that last part? My bad. I want that very much, but it is not why I have been given breath. I have been given life to glorify the Father. I can not spend it feeling sorry for myself, ignoring the hurts of others, categorizing why my hurt is " worse" or more important than theirs, and neither can you. Spend some time this week fulfilling your purpose here in earth. Loving others, serving others, examining the needs of others and meeting them. You may not like your circumstances, you may not understand why you're walking through this, but take a deep breath and be thankful... that one, along with the other 14 or 15 you had in the last minute weren't really yours anyway.

We press on,

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