Mr. S and I

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Secret Prayers

 This post is from Kindal.I have known him for 16 years. I have memories of sitting down at Pizza Hut with his entire family ( one day they would be my family) after church. I remember the first time he ever held my hand. We were in 6th grade, I had on a plaid jumper ( hideous) and It was the first time a boy had ever shown me that kind of affection. I remember visiting him when they moved from Oklahoma and staying up all night talking in his living room, he never tried anything, we just talked. I remember the sound of his truck pulling in to my parents neighborhood when he would come to visit me as a teenage girl. I remember watching " My Best Friend's Wedding" and being terrified that that is what would happen to me. That I would tell him " I love you, pick me" too late and that some other girl would win the greatest man I've ever known. This is my Kindal, my husband, my very best friend.... this is his story.

As a man it is sometimes hard to show any type of emotion in situations. As a Pastor it is very difficult to show vulnerability and talk about the times when you have thoughts that are unbiblical or even sinful.  I am going to attempt to do both of these.  I do this for your Joy and the Glory of God.

The Joy

September 30 is a day that will never bring as much joy as it used to.  That is the day God brought into the world the most beautiful woman I have ever known.  LB’s birthday, for years, has been the culmination of a week long celebration.  This is called “birth week” in my world.  Last year the excitement and joy of birth week was elevated by the fact that we were finally going to have a child.  I had prayed for so long, we had worried, been frustrated, but finally I would be able to hold my little girl.  As the 30th approached LB began to have pain, to show signs of miscarriage.  I knew what was happening, but honestly I almost ignored it.  I tried to carry on life as usual, to tell LB it wasn’t a problem, that our baby was fine.  She wasn’t.  My longing to hear the patter of little feet on my wood floor was slipping was becoming less and less likely. 

The 30th

As I woke up on LB’s birthday I didn’t get up to make her breakfast, I didn’t have a surprise present waiting, I didn’t have big plans.  No, all I could think about was our baby.  She woke up and I asked her to take another pregnancy test……. Negative.  At that moment all the emotions of being livid with God, sorrow for the loss of my child, and feeling helpless to do anything for this woman who had given me her life, left me broken and frustrated.


Lori Beth is literally the love of my life.  I have loved her since I was 9 years old.  That love has only grown.  She was my best friend, a girl friend at times, and the one who helped me through my parents divorce.  I know husbands love their wives, but my love for LB goes much deeper than most.  God broke LB’s will to live for herself and saved her.  Living in close quarters with a “New Creation” will make the Gospel come alive.  She always has been caring, compassionate, and loving; but the Holy Spirit has exploded these attributes to further the glory of God in my life.  I have never met a woman as strong as she is.  She never sits down, she never stops working, she is driven like nobody I know.  Perhaps her most amazing life accomplishment is putting up with me on a daily basis.  She is my rock.  Ministry is hard.  Being a pastor is taxing, my wife holds me up.  At times the Holy Spirit has spoken directly to me through her.  She is wise, comforting, and strong.  But last September, she was broken.

Stupid Man

At the beginning I told you there would be some thoughts that are hard to share.  I am going to attempt this.  Seeing my beautiful bride broken, made me look to the sky and ask “Are you kidding me God?  We serve you, we love you, we disciple your people, and all we ask for is a baby.  How could you let this happen.  Why did you not hear our cries to stop the miscarriage.  How could you bring this pain into our lives. HOW DARE YOU!”  And then I disconnected from Him.  I decided that if he didn’t care about my wife and her sorrow, then I would have to do it on my own.  STUPID MAN.  I am terrible with emotions.  I don’t share them, don’t talk about them, and pretty much ignore them.  Instead of pointing LB to Jesus and his comfort, I allowed her to feel alone for a long time.  She didn’t see me grieve, because I would cry out all my tears on my drive to and from work, so that I could be her rock.  Truth is, I cant be her rock.  Only Jesus can. My soul was broken, hurting, grieving, and I was ignoring it. Finally one night God broke me, I asked LB to kneel in front of me.  I placed my hands on her a cried out to a Holy God to bring restoration to our souls.  This was the first time my wife saw my sorrow on display.  I believe that event triggered the beginning of her healing. 

Some thoughts for the readers (this is the Pastor in me, deal with it :))

To all the women reading:
Your husband desperately desires your happiness.  I fought long and hard with God on why he would allow such pain to come to my beautiful bride.  It was weeks before I even really let myself grieve.  Ladies, your man is wired to FIX PROBLEMS.  That is how we are made.  You must help him understand, he cant fix this one.  He may seem cold or detached.  He may become angry easily.  He might even show some frustration with your sorrow.  Allow him to grieve how he grieves.

To all the men reading:
Your wife is experiencing ALL of the physical connection and loss of your child.  Be her rock, shelter, comfort.  Above all of those things, continually point her to Jesus.  Men, let yourself grieve.  Let your wife know you are hurting with her.  As the spiritual leader of your house, bare her burdens and pray over her.  YOU CANNOT FIX THIS ONE. Your wife will hurt longer than you do.  Women are more emotional by nature.  Always be understanding of her sorrow.  Allow her to grieve how she grieves.

Pressing on (my view)

Every night since then after she has gone to sleep, I lay my hands on her stomach and pray for God to give us a child biologically.  Then I hold her hand and pray for God to lead us as one through fulfilling the calling to adopt.  Lastly, I lay my hands on her head and pray God would anoint her to be a Godly mother to our child(ren).  (I guess she will know I do this now).

My little girl is gone.  I hope one day I will get to meet her (if that is how it works).  But now we must press on.  God has called us to adopt.  Adoption is one of the more graphic and beautiful pictures of the Gospel in scripture.  We now will have the ability to seek out,  bring home, and love a child who maybe doesn’t even see it coming.  We get to CHOOSE to love a child who is not deserving of our love, simply because they are ours biologically.  OH, but we will love and cherish our child.  I already pray for him/her.  God does this with us. He seeks us, brings us home, and loves us even though we aren’t deserving.  One day I will hear the patter of tiny feet on my wood floor, my child will climb into my lap and ask me why I am his/her daddy.  I cant wait to hold my child and read the first chapter of Ephesians to him/her.  The Adoption metaphor will really make a lot of sense. 

I asked God why, even to the point of anger.  We must be reminded that God is sovereign, he loves his children.  Look at the ministry he has provided LB through the pain.  In Romans 8 we read that in our weakest most painful hour, when we don’t even have the words to say, the Holy Spirit is at the feet of the Father interceding on our behalf.  Sometimes the glory of God can be a painful process for us.  It grew me, it made me love my Lori Beth even more.  And so as my wife says with grieving the loss of our baby, dealing with the adoption process, and trying to minister to those of you doing the same…. We press on.

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